Redeemer University College Science News

Friday, December 22, 2006


Moose by R. Gary ChiangLast May, papers on Rhodnius Prolixus by Dr Gary Chiang, Rita Tory (Redeemer 2006) and Matt Klingenberg (Redeemer 2006) were presented at the Canadian Society of Zoologists meeting at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. While in Alberta, Gary took this photo of a Moose.

Moose, the largest member of the deer family, are referred to as elk in Europe and Asia, where they inhabit the forests of northern Asia and Europe from Siberia in the east to Norway in the west, the Baltic region, and northern China. In North America moose are found in wooded areas of Canada and the northern United States.

Bull moose have the enormous antlers that can exceed 1.5 m (60 in) in width and 22.7 kg (50 lb) in weight. New antlers begin to grow in early April and are shed after the mating season in late September. The antlers are covered with a soft, nutrient-rich skin called velvet, which when it is shed is often eaten by the bull.

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